Sunday, December 12, 2010

2 Months Old

Today Joshua turned 2 months old. He has grown a lot this month and we are curious to see how much he will weigh at his doctor's appointment this week. It's really exciting now because he has been learning things like cooing or sticking out his tongue or holding up his head longer and things like that. We know he will learn new things even more in the coming months so that should be a lot of fun.


  1. He is so adorable. I can't wait to hold him again!

  2. My favorite part is watching them learn new things as well. He is getting so big. I can't believe its been 2 months already. i am sure you feel the

  3. He is adorable and growing so fast. I've had a cold since before Thanksgiving and that has kept me from coming to visit, but I really long to see you all. AJ & co. will be here for just 4 days 22-26 and they REALLY want to see you. We all want to bring gifts for Joshua also. Let us know if anything is possible. Only well people will come or of course you are invited to come over here anytime. Loved the birth announcements, you always do such a good job.
    Love & prayers,
