Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A Sleeping Lunch

Today I met my friend Callie for lunch. It was nice to catch up. Joshua slept for most of the lunch, so here Callie is holding him while he is sleeping.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Already a Fan

While I was playing with Joshua tonight, I had the Monday Night Football game on in the background.  At one point he decided he was tired of paying attention to me and started watching the game.  Maybe it was the motion and bright lights that attracted him, but I'd like to think it's his budding interest in sports.  Yeah, I'm sure that was it.  Yep.  Definitely not because shiny things are attractive to babies, but definitely because he loves sports.  I'm sure of it.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Starting the Christmas Season

Today Christine came over to eat lunch and help decorate the tree. Joshua was very happy the whole time, but at the end he got cranky.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Coming Together

We aren't done with Joshua's room yet, but today Jason assembled the bookcase which is the last piece of furniture for the room. We just have a few more decor items to get and then we will be done.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Not for dollars or for soup, but just for fun

Joanna is in town this week during Thanksgiving Break at K-State, and she and I wanted to go to something fun together.  She's quite a good bowler, and it's something we both enjoy, so she and I went to the one of the local bowling alleys in Lawrence.  We both had sub-par games, but I always enjoy hanging out with her, and we had a lot of fun.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

A Day of Thanks

Today for Thanksgiving we went to Lawrence, and we got to spend the day with Mom, Ron, Grandpa, Grandma, and Joanna.  This was the first time Grandpa and Grandma got to see Joshua, so they each spent a lot of time holding him and feeding him.  We are thankful to have little Joshua in our lives, and we were thankful to be able to spend the day with our loved ones.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Tomorrow we are spending Thanksgiving with family, but today we wanted to have a meal with just us, especially since, although a lot of people dread them, we really like having a lot of Thanksgiving leftovers. Jason worked in the morning and then we ate and hung out in the afternoon. I cooked the whole meal with Joshua in his wrap since we have a baby who really never wants to be put down. I did have Jason take the turkey breast out of the oven since that seemed like an accident waiting to happen, but otherwise Joshua was super happy all morning and I was able to get a lot done. Though as soon as we sat down to eat he decided he was hungry.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Two K-State Fans

Tonight K-State played Duke in the CBE Tournament. Jason and Joshua watched the game on tv while wearing their K-State gear. Joshua took frequent breaks from the game to marvel at how amazing the light fixture in our room is. He is pretty much transfixed by any lighting.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Joshua's First Bath

We waited so long to be able to give Joshua a bath since it took forever for his umbilical cord to fall off and then we had to wait a little longer for the residue to dry out. but finally we were able to. He really liked it just fine, even though I didn't expect him to. Getting out was another matter. Even with the towel, he thought it was much too cold.

Sunday, November 21, 2010


We recently received a crib for Joshua, and today I finally had time to put it together.  I was able to get mostly done with it, but then I ran into a problem with a faulty piece, so it's not quite done.  I just need to make arrangements with the store where we got it to swap out the problem piece with a replacement, so it's not a big deal.  Here I am in the process of putting it together before I hit that roadblock.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Knobs

I had ordered knobs that were painted to match our nursery bedding for the dresser. Today I drilled larger holes and put them in. They look very cute. I hope we will be able to finish the decor in there next weekend.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Finally Out, and Then Not

Today Joshua started his fussy time early, and he was up pretty much the whole afternoon.  He was so tired and needed to go to sleep, but he refused to do it.  Finally he couldn't fight it anymore, and he fell asleep.  I took this picture at that time, as it was a momentous event within the day.  Unfortunately he woke back up a few minutes later, and was then up for another couple hours.  It's been a long day...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Dinner with a Friend

Today my friend AJ came over so we could catch up and she could see Joshua. She brought Chili's, which was delicious, and she met the pugs as well, who as you can see liked her quite a lot.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The future of hotel room desks?

This week I have a long business trip through Ohio.  Today I'm staying in a Hampton Inn just outside of Cincinnati.  It's a brand new hotel, and one of the interesting features of the room I booked is a giant desk structure in the middle of the room.  It is quite weird looking, but it's very useful and is giving me a great place to work in preparation for my meeting tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tummy Time

Apparently one of the things you're supposed to do to help your baby's muscle development is tummy time.  You put your baby on his tummy, monitor him to make sure he doesn't suffocate himself, and then watch as he struggles to turn himself over.  Joshua is a persistent little guy, so he keeps trying and trying, but since he can't do it, he starts getting frustrated and angry after awhile, but that just makes him try harder.  It's a tiring task, though, so sometimes he takes a short break, as he does here while making a funny face to recharge for the next try.

Monday, November 15, 2010

One Month Check-up

Today I took Joshua to the pediatrician for his one month check-up.  He did pee all over the table, but other than that everything was good, and he's still completely healthy and doing really well.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Only One Who Likes the Bouncer

We have had a lot of great people give us things for Joshua. Recently a lady from church was nice enough to give us a bouncy seat and a swing. So far Joshua pretty much hates everything that isn't being held including both of those, though Alex likes the seat okay.We are hoping Joshua grows to like the swing.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Grandpa Ron

Today Joanna was home from college so she and Ron and Peg came for a quick visit. They also showed us some baby things Peg still had from Jason. This is Ron with Joshua as well as Natalie. Since Natalie just loves him, she stuck with him almost the whole visit.

Friday, November 12, 2010

One Month Old

Today Joshua is one month old. It really seems impossible that it was a month ago that he was born, but somehow it was. He is definitely growing. He was 9 pounds, 4.5 ounces at the doctor on Wednesday and this weekend we are going to have to pack up all the newborn-sized clothes because he can't fit into them anymore.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

2 Jasons and Some Babies

Tonight we went over to the home of our friends, the Keelers. They just had a baby girl, Hadley, about a week and a half after Joshua was born. This was the first time we had gotten a chance to all get together and hang out since the babies arrived. Here are Jason Keeler, Hadley, Joshua, and Jason.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Expert Traveler

I've been traveling a whole lot lately for work.  Almost every work day of the past couple weeks I've been on at least one flight or was in a different state.  I actually like traveling for work, but I don't like doing it at this frequency.  But normally I actually enjoy the flights, the hotels, the rental cars, the airplanes, the airports, and even the security lines.  Many airports now have separate security lanes for "expert travelers".  I love when they have these.  It's quicker to get through them, and with all my traveling over the past three and a half years, I certainly am an expert traveler.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Today my friend Callie and I ate lunch and went shopping for baby stuff since we are still buying things. Though I didn't buy a stroller because we have one that our carrier fits into for now, I know I will need one when he gets bigger so we looked at a few. This is Joshua trying one out.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A New Room For Alex

We are slowly getting Joshua's stuff in his room, even though he still sleeps in our room. We put the diapers and changing pad down there as well as his clothes. It's funny because Alex seems to think it's all for him. He really enjoys sleeping on both the changing pad and crib and is pretty much in one of those two places all day. He has lately been favoring the crib since we don't put Joshua in there yet and so I haven't had to make him move from there.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Almost Like Christmas

Tonight we went to the home of our friends, Jason and Callie so we could hang out and they could meet the baby. While we were there, Callie went through her baby stuff and gave us several cute outfits and toys which we are really excited about since Joshua is getting bigger and needs new clothes.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

The Baby Whisperer

Today was my mom's last day here and we will miss her very much. She is good with Joshua all the time, but he gets colic at night and sometimes in the afternoon and she is great at making him not fuss so much, though with colic it seems there is only so much anyone can do.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Date Night

Today my mom watched Joshua while we went out to dinner. It was nice to be able to eat alone at one of our favorite restaurants.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Times They are a-Changin'

Today we got a changing pad for the dresser we are going to put in Joshua's room. Here he is with my mom as they try it out.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Daddy's Home

Today Jason was home and got to spend some time with Joshua and me. We are hoping his travel schedule goes back to normal soon.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Red Robin

Today my mom,Christine and I went to dinner at Red Robin. Joshua came too, though he slept in his carrier the whole time.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Grandma's Angel

My mom is in town for a week to meet Joshua and help me out. I think Joshua is getting very used to an extra set of arms and he is glad to fall asleep there.