Monday, May 24, 2010

This way to the crab cakes.

This week I'm in Baltimore for a conference.  I'm pretty sure the most famous thing about Baltimore is crab cakes.  I figured they wouldn't be hard to find, but I didn't realized just how easy it would be.  Right as I got off the plane and walked into the airport, I saw this giant thing, basically an indoor billboard, telling me which way to the crab cakes.  So I did what any decent first-time visitor to Baltimore does, and I went to Obrycki's and had crab cakes.  Well, make that one crab cake, as it was $19.  But it was delicious.  And easy to find, as you can see.

1 comment:

  1. $19 for one crab cake? Are you kidding me? I sure hope it was a very big crab cake and you didn't have to eat for the rest of the day.
